
Watch Seal Narrowly Evade Great White Attack in Cape Cod

The summer is in its doldrums throughout North America, and things are particularly hot off the beaches of Cape Cod, at least in the ongoing duel between seals and white sharks.

Researchers from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries caught amazing footage of a predatory encounter between a seal and a Great White off the beaches of Chatam, MA.

The seal, being pursued by the shark, kept out of the water followed closely by the hungry predator narrowly escaping.

“The escape was incredible to witness. We’ve seen three predations over the last two years and this was a first — to watch a white shark leap from the water in an attempt to grab a grey seal. The seal won that battle but shortly after the same shark successfully consumed a different seal further offshore,” Cynthia Wigren, president of the conservancy, said in a statement.

The conservancy posted a photo on its Twitter feed of blood in the water and a dark shape beneath, saying, “The research team witnessed a successful predation (white shark eating a seal) today.”


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